O AB 7 : 40’’ VRS, O MS 25 : 2’30’’ VRS, O CP 30 : 3’ VRS, O NZ 8 : 50’’ VRS, O MP 10 : 1’ VRS, O GDE 10 : 1’ VRS, O B 3 : 20’’ VRS, O VK 10 : 1’ VRS, O FC 7 : 45’’ VRS, O LM 5 : 30’’ VRS, O LC 20 : 2’ VRS, O GC 20 : 120’’ VRS, O GB 20 : 60’’ VRS, O BF 3 : 21’’ VRS, O CC 10 : 1’ VRS, O GB 22 : 3’10’’ VRS, O FC 5 : 30’’ VRS, O FC 10 : 1’ VRS, O FC 20 : 60’’ VRS, O GG 5 : 30’’ VRS, O EA 5 : 30’’ VRS, O DS 13 : 1’20’’ VRS, 2014
inkjet print su carta cotone, ognuno / inkjet print on cotton paper, each 29,7 x 21 cm.
14.03.2014 > 23.04.2014
VRS (Focal-plane shutter with moving subject) is an investigation on the three dimensions of the acronym VRS: (from italian: Veglia, Ricordo, Sogno which stands for waking hours, memory and dream). The title indicates the relation between the subject and the physicalplane, which activates the path of the sight. The moving subject is at the same time both the spectator who being in the physical condition determined by the shape of the work itself, a plane with the image pointed downwards, visible lying on a trolley; the perception of which is modified by how the spectator moves and the subject of the vision itself: the geometry which evolves while moving between the three states.