“Case Sparse” art residency @ AplusB


Curated by Lalveare, (sponsored by the Cultural District of Vallecamonica and the City of Malonno,) Case Sparse is an art residency located in the upper Camonica Valley (Brescia – I). The starting point of the first edition is the inquiries concerning the mechanisms of made in art. Often the artists before coming to the complete works, leaving behind traces of himself: sentences written on notebooks, recorded and annotated images, pictures scattered here and there, detours. These tracks will be collected and sent daily to the gallery and will be visible every day during the residency.
The works proposal by the artists for the final exhibition at AplusB are characterized by strong relationship with the host territory. Territory aimed at multiples levels, from the house in which artists have stayed, and then its micro-history (house of ancient origins of a large family present at Marone for generations), the landscape and its features as regards physical and atmospheric conditions, and some anthropological aspects of the valley (the settlements were born with presence of the iron mines and the collective story related to them).

Artists: Fatima Bianchi (Milano 1981), Monica Carrera (Orzinuovi 1979), Francesca Damiano (Brescia 1979), Francesca Longhini (Brescia 1985), NoiseGrup (Brescia 2010).

visited until august 31
h wed – fri 4/7 pm

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