Nazzarena Poli Maramotti – “Portraits. Anatomia di un ritratto”

20.01.2012 > 24.02.2012

Nazzarena Poli Maramotti (Montecchio Emilia, 1987) exhibits for the first time in a personal exhibition, her pictorial study which recently received a Rolling Stone award due to her participation in The Others fair in Turin. The exhibition is the culmination of her artistic pictorial sensibility, perfected at the academy of Urbino, with the central European influence that she has been gaining while attending the Academy of Nuremberg for a two year painting course. Nazzarena Poli Maramotti  has always favoured the study of the body and face. In fact, both are primary elements through which emerge subjects, that are essentially new sensations that liberate the protagonists in new directions.

Nazzarena Poli Maramotti artist page

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